How To Use Templates(MEP)

The ob template contains settings such as views that define how the model should
families that make up the model, fill patterns, line types, and so on.
Template Settings
ob_Template (MEP)
When starting a project, a new project file (.rvt) is created based on the ob template. It can be used in common for both Electrical and Mechanical
Content List(MEP)Project Browser
Browser Configuration
First, views are grouped by discipline. Electrical and mechanical views are organized, making it easier to work with. In addition, “Coordination” is applied to the Combined services drawing and the overall 3D view that are commonly used.
View Settings
View settings are usually project-specific, so use template settings as appropriate.V/G Overrides
Categories that do not need to be displayed for the purpose of the view template are hidden.View Template Name | Hidden Categories, Subcategories |
⼤林_E002_幹線動⼒設備_平⾯図/Power system_Floor Plan | Ceiling, Piping, Ducts, Lighting fixtures,Communication devices, etc. |
⼤林_E003_コンセント設備_平⾯図/Outlet_Floor Plan | Ceiling, Piping, Ducts, Cable trays, Lighting fixtures,Communication devices,Cable trays, mechanical equipment, etc. |
大林_M602_空調ダクト 平面図/HVAC Duct Floor Plan | Floor,Cable trays,Electrical equipment, Lighting fixtures,Communication devices, Piping, etc. |
大林_P502_給排水設備 平面図_基準階/Water supply amd Drainage system Floor Plan_typical floor | Floor,Cable trays,Electrical equipment, Lighting fixtures,Communication devices, Ducts, etc. |
Rules for naming filters make operation easier, so the recommended rules used in templates are shown below. Filters continue to grow throughout the life of the model, and can number in the hundreds. Also, since there is no way to tell if a filter is assigned to a view on the settings dialog, it is difficult to remove it later. Therefore, it is desirable to eliminate duplication of filters by keeping the filter list highly visible. Below is an example of a filter naming convention.Filter name | Filter Rules |
E_電気器具 – コンセント/Electrical fixtures – Outlet | Electrical Fixtures 大分類/Major category equals コンセント/Outlet |
E_<照明器具 – 非常照明・誘導灯 以外>/<Lighting fixtures – except Emergency Light・Emergency exit Light> | Lighting Fixtures 大分類/Major category does not equal 非常照明・誘導灯/Emergency Light・Emergency exit Light |
M_機械設備 – 室内機/Mechanical equipment – Indoor unit | Mechanical equipment Family name contains 室内機/Indoor unit |
P_衛生器具 – 水栓/ Plumbing fixtures – Faucet | Plumbing fixtures Family name contains 水栓/Faucet |