OBAYASHI - Smart BIM Standard

Management Point(Arc)

  • TOP
  • Arc
  • Management Point(Arc)

1st – Category

Correct input of categories improves the quality of the model. It is important to understand the characteristics of each category and the input rules, and to manage the modeling so that all collaborators have the same understanding of the modeling process.
  • Architecture Major System Categories
  • Architecture Major Component Categories
  • Structure Main Categories

2nd – LoD

Defining the accuracy of inputs for each phase will help ensure reliable communication of information. Coordinate, review, and manage the accuracy of the model targeted for each phase among all parties involved.
  • About LoD
  • LoD Management Sheet
  • 3D_LoD Guide

3rd – File Composition

In BIM modeling, you need to decide who enters what and to what extent in which file. Consider how roles are assigned and how files are divided, and use sheets to manage them.
  • Assignment Table for Modeling
  • File Configuration Management Sheet

Criteria for Entering “Readable” Models

In order to perform appropriate management, it is necessary to establish “criteria for entering models with readability”. There are four criteria: “BIM model operation management”, “naming conventions”, “component families”, and “project settings”.

BIM Model Operation Management

A formalization of data types and qualities is necessary for the consistent use of information in BIM models. The Modeling Guide is a document that summarizes points to keep in mind when modeling for the purpose of applying SBS to your business. Please use it as a dictionary for input method considerations, communication, and accurate modeling instructions. Modeling Guide(Arc)

Naming Convention

Naming conventions help organize information-accumulating BIM models and facilitate information sharing among stakeholders. At the same time, it brings various benefits in terms of information management. It streamlines the communication of what has been modeled and how. ・Improve efficiency of attribute-based filtering (view filter/aggregate filter). ・Prevents creation of types with duplicate attributes. ・Improve the efficiency of type selection at the time of input. Naming Convention(Arc)


A family has a wide variety of properties to set. The family is maintained with the aim of unifying parameters, facilitating the creation of variations, reducing human error, and data ecology. Families(Arc)

Project Settings

A collection of resources related to project setup. The template file contains the views that define how the model looks, the families that make up the model, fill patterns, line types, and so on.

