OBAYASHI - Smart BIM Standard

System Families(Arc)

Type Name Convention

Describes the type naming conventions for each category.

Type Name Example

A list of examples of type names according to the rules is shown in a separate document. *This document includes not only system families (walls, floors, ceilings), but also component families (windows, doors). Content list(Arc)


Common Rules
Notation example)AN_低層部_100e: A = ALC, N = normal (normal flat panel), 100 = t100, e = exterior (exterior wall)
  • The prefix expresses the material in the first letter, and expresses the shape and performance after the second letter. Material abbreviation example C: Concrete (RC), A: ALC, E: ECP, L: LGS etc. Specification abbreviation example N: Normal (general product), R: Rib (with ribs) etc.
  • The suffix expresses the thickness, with an ‘e’ added for exterior drywall.
  • If there are supplementary notes for performance or specifications, add them between the prefix and the suffix with a “_” delimiter.
  • Refer to the Modeling Guide for the naming convention of RC walls, regardless of the above.
Modeling Guide(Arc)
Performance Notation
Example 1) ANF_100e : F=FireProof Example 2) LQF1_75 : Q=Quiet
  • Walls related to fire compartments are prefixed with an ‘F’ and walls related to acoustic certification are prefixed with a ‘Q’.
  • If F and Q overlap, use “QF”. If only sound insulation performance is required, F is omitted.
Light Steel Wall (General)
Notation example 1) LN34 _90 : 3=Outside L-3, 4=Inside L-4, 90=LGS90 * Notation example 2) LN3u4m_65 : 3u=L-3 side is below the ceiling, 4m=L-4 side is the edge Seal * Inside, Outside corresponds to the representation in the assembly edit dialog.
  • The Id number corresponding to the old code rule “L-1” is added to the prefix to represent both sides.
  • Id 1 to 3 are fixed values, and after that, add arbitrarily in the project.
    • Id0 : LGS representation
    • Id1 : GB-R t12.5
    • Id2 : GB-R t12.5 + GB-R t9.5
    • Id3 : GB-R t12.5 + GB-R t12.5
    • (After that, optional for each project)
  • Enter the LGS thickness for the thickness expression at the end. For sound insulation walls, enter the air gap thickness.
  • If the groundwork is under the ceiling, add “w” after Id to express it as “LN34w”.
  • If only the board is under the ceiling, add “u” after the corresponding Id.
  • If the edge of the board requires sealing, add an ‘m’ after the corresponding Id.
  • If filled with glass wool, add a prefix such as “LN34G”.
  • It is recommended that the most frequently used IDs for each PJ be placed on the left in the order of board IDs.
Light Steel Wall (Fireproof, Sound Insulation)
Notation example) LF2_wallZ_14K_90 : wallZ = hyperwall Z, 14K = Article 112, paragraph 14
  • For LGS performance walls, omit the “N” in the specification notation. Then add Id.
  • Since many performance walls are double-sided, the Id is expressed as a single digit.
  • The Id of the performance wall represents the product, not the board configuration, so if the board configuration is the same but the axis configuration is different, assign a different Id.
  • Id1 to 3 are fixed values, and after that they can be added arbitrarily by the project.
    • Id1:S12
    • Id2:Hyperwall Z
    • Id3:S wall
    • (After that, optional for each project)
  • If you add the product name as a supplementary item, it will be easier to identify.
  • When expressing the legally required performance in the type name, use “_ (number of applicable articles) J” and “_ (number of applicable clauses of Article 112) K”.
  • If one side is a partition wall and the other side is a general wall, and it is one type, add an Id after “/” and express it as “LF3/1”. (It is necessary to judge whether the general wall on the opposite side should be a different type depending on the characteristics of the project.)
  • As a general rule, the composite structure of performance walls should not include a thick finish.
  • If filled with glass wool, add a prefix such as “LF2G”. However, it can be omitted in the case of sound insulation certified products.
What To Group By Prefix
  • Prefixes that indicate materials Materials that cannot be classified by initial letters are grouped by prefixes according to their attributes.
    • Finish Wall : Fin, Metal System : Mtl, Partition Type : Par, Others : Otr
  • After the prefix that represents the group, basically use any character string to express the target.
  • However, avoid using F and Q as a general rule (because the filter rules interfere).
Important Point
  • Use half-width characters, including underscores, except for supplementary explanations.
  • If you have a double-digit Id (greater than 9) on the LGS general wall, please use lower case letters.
    • Example: 1,2,3, … 7,8,9,a,b,c,d, …(f is not used because it overlaps with fireproof “F”)


Common Rules
Notation example) CN_150 : C = Concrete, N = normal, 150 = Structure thickness (when structural code is unknown) Notation example) S_S151 : S = Structure, S151 = Slab code (when structural code is given)
  • Use the material prefix to describe the slab. Basically, follow the rules of the wall.
  • A slab code is expressed by enclosing it with “_”.
  • In the case of slabs, as a rule, the type is created without including additional strikes in the multiple layers. At this time, set the input level to structural heaven.
  • In the case of R floors, there are few situations where filtering is performed by fire resistance and sound insulation performance, so the commonly used characters “F” and “Q” for walls are not used to express performance.
What To Group By Prefix?
  • Non-slabs are grouped by prefix depending on the attribute.
    • Presser concrete : Add, Raised floor: Rsd, Finish : Fin, etc.


Ceilings are subject to slightly different rules, with differences in finish included in the typing.
Common Rules
Notation example) Rw_岩綿吸音板_L : Rw = finish symbol, rock wool sound absorbing plate = Supplement (can be omitted), L = Base attribute
  • A two-character prefix is ​​used to describe the notation as a finish (hereafter referred to as “finish ID”).
  • In addition to conventional light ceilings, system ceilings and special ceilings are described as base attributes.
    • Generic Ceiling: L
    • System Ceiling: S
    • Specific Ceiling: T etc.
  • External ceilings (soffits) also add an “e” at the end.
  • If there are any supplements, write them in underscores.
Multilayer Configuration
  • As a rule, create types without including hangers in multiple layers.
  • Thin finishes such as paint are not included in multi-layers and are expressed by type name and material.
Finish Expression
Notation example) Nc_不燃ジプトーン_L : Nc = Finish Id, Noncombustible gypsum = Supplement (optional), L = Base attribute
  • Use two characters to express the finish.
    • Decorative gypsum board (noncombustible): Nc
    • Rock wool sound-absorbing panel: Rw
    • Gypsum board EP: Pg etc.
  • Abbreviations are provided for boards that are also used for finishing, but it is possible to group similar materials and express them as representative values ​​to simplify the finish ID.
    • Designated gypsum board (noncombustible) is not divided into different patterns and is designated as a representative code: Nc etc.
Notation example) Pg_ボードEP_L : Pg = Finish Id, Board=GB-R, EP = Surface coating, L=Base attribute
  • A two-letter abbreviation is used to represent the finishing layer (in the case of paint or cloth).
What to group by prefix?
  • Items that cannot be classified by the above rules are grouped with prefixes according to their attributes.
    • Metals: Mtl, Others: Otr, Finish: Fin

