Toward Solving Difficulties
We have pointed out three difficulties in BIM : “there is no know-how in managing the BIM modeling process,” “we need to balance out between information and drawing representations using BIM software.” and “there is no systematic method to create BIM with the building information.” These are two solutions we found to these challenges. Since there is not one solid solution to each difficulty, so what we found is the methods to solve three problems in a combined manner.
● Hierarchical methods for sorting information
● LOD (Level of Development) management methods to manage the process (Level of Development)
Smart BIM Standard is a standard that is aware of the above solutions. The rules for the consistent use of BIM are not simply determined by considering ease of input and intelligibility. On “What’s SBS?” web site, “Modeling rules are required to coordinate/manage the types of data that BIM brings.” From this point of view, modeling rules should ideally be “easy to apply,” “easy to verify,” and “easy to update” in order to operate smoothly. We considered the conditions for this to be “easy for anyone to understand and remember” and “easy to obtain computer support.” As a way of fulfilling these conditions, we found that the solution is to be “hierarchized to sort information” and “utilizing LOD that can be described by data.”
As is known, in Obayashi corporation we use Autodesk Revit as a standard software. Revit has each user interface for architectural design, structural design, and MEP design so that we can create a single model for coordination among architectural information, structural information, and MEP information. This is one of the major reasons for us to have selected Revit as a standard software and also its ability to store information hierarchically is also one of the great features of Revit.
However, Revit may be said to be a difficult application to learn. There might be many areas where it is difficult to put into practice just by understanding the concept. However, this SBS release site is uploading the contents that incorporate the knowledge gained by us Obayashi corporation, and we hope our site contents will help many Revit users.