OBAYASHI - Smart BIM Standard

View Related(MEP)

View Type Names

For browser readability, appropriate types are set for the views, and to sort in ascending order, a prefix indicating the field of discipline (MEP Common: C, Electrical: E, Mechanical: M, Plumbing: P) and a numeric prefix are added.

View Template Names

“‘大林/Obayashi’ is added to the prefix to differentiate it from other companies’ specifications and the Revit User Group (RUG) specifications. In the following, the view template names are the same as the view type names, using letters (MEP Common: C, Electrical: E, Mechanical: M, Plumbing: P, etc.) to indicate discipline along with a numeric prefix.”

Floor Plan

type name prefix Use distinction View template name
C01 Combined services drawings (Wall, Floor) 大林_EM01_総合プロット(壁、床)_平面図/Combined services drawings (Wall, Floor)_Floor plan
C01 Floor plan_Combined services drawings (Ceiling) 大林_EM01_総合プロット(天井)_平面図/Combined services drawings (Ceiling)_Floor plan
E00 Working view for Electrical ⼤林_E000_電気設備作業⽤_平⾯図/Electrical working view_Floor plan
E01 Combined services drawings (Wall, Floor) ⼤林_E001_総合プロット(壁・床)_平⾯図/Combined services drawings (Wall, Floor)_Floor plan
E01 Floor plan_ Combined services drawings (Ceiling) ⼤林_E001_総合プロット(天井)_平⾯図/Combined services drawings (Ceiling)_Floor plan
E02 Power system drawing ⼤林_E002_幹線動⼒設備_平⾯図/Power system_Floor plan
E03 Outlet drawing ⼤林_E003_コンセント設備_平⾯図/Outlet_Floor plan
E04 Lighting fixtures drawing ⼤林_E004_電灯設備_平⾯図/Lighting fixtures_Floor plan
E05 Lighting control system drawing ⼤林_E005_照明制御設備_平⾯図/Lighting control system_Floor plan
E06 Emergency Light and Emergency exit Light drawing ⼤林_E006_⾮常照明・誘導灯設備_平⾯図/Emergency Light and Emergency Exit Light_Floor plan
E07 Low voltage system drawing ⼤林_E007_弱電設備_平⾯図/Low voltage system_Floor plan
E08 Low voltage system drawing_2 ⼤林_E008_弱電設備-2_平⾯図/Low voltage system-2_Floor plan
E09 Exterior drawing ⼤林_E009_外構_平⾯図/Exterior_Floor plan
E10 Automatic control system drawing ⼤林_E010_中央監視設備_平⾯図/Automatic control system_Floor plan
E11 AV system drawing ⼤林_E011_AV 設備_平⾯図/AV system_Floor plan
E12 ITV system drawing ⼤林_E012_ITV 設備_平⾯図/ITV system_Floor plan
E13 Emergency public address system drawing ⼤林_E013_⾮常放送設備_平⾯図/Emergency public address system_Floor plan
E14 Fire Alarm system drawing ⼤林_E014_⾃動⽕災報知設備_平⾯図/Fire Alarm system_Floor plan
E15 Parking control system drawing ⼤林_E015_⾞路管制設備_平⾯図/Parking control system_Floor plan
E16 Lightning Protection system drawing ⼤林_E016_避雷設備_平⾯図/Lightning Protection system_Floor plan
E17 Solar Power Generation system drawing ⼤林_E017_太陽光発電設備_平⾯図/Solar Power Generation system_Floor plan
E18 Detail view ⼤林_E018_詳細_平⾯図/Detail view_Floor plan
E19 Correlated Color Temperature drawing ⼤林_E019_⾊温度_平⾯図/Correlated Color Temperature_Floor plan
M00 Working view for HVAC all (大林_M00_作業用)/Working view
M01 Working view for Duct (大林_M602_空調ダクト 平面図)/HVAC Duct_Floor plan
M02 Working view for HVAC piping (大林_M502_空調配管 平面図)/HVAC piping_Floor plan
M03 Working view for Smoke exhaust (大林_M702_排煙ダクト 平面図)/Smoke exhaust duct_Floor plan
M11 Duct system 大林_M602_空調ダクト 平面図/HVAC Duct system_Floor plan
M12 HVAC piping system 大林_M502_空調配管 平面図/HVAC piping system_Floor plan
M13 Smoke exhaust system 大林_M702_排煙ダクト 平面図/Smoke exhaust system_Floor plan
P00 Working view for Plumbing (大林_P00_作業用)/Working view
P11 Plumbing system 大林_P502_給排水設備 平面図_基準階/Plumbing system_Floor plan
P12 Fire extinguish system 大林_P602_消火設備_平面図/Fire extinguish system_Floor plan

() is for property application only.

Ceiling Plan

type name prefix Use distinction View template name
C01 Combined services drawings (Ceiling) 大林_EM01_総合プロット(天井)_天伏図/Combined services drawings (Ceiling)_Ceiling plan
E00 Working view for Electrical ⼤林_E000_電気設備作業⽤_天伏図/Electrical working view_Ceiling plan
E01 Floor plan_Combined services drawings (Ceiling) ⼤林_E001_総合プロット(天井)_天伏図/Combined services drawings (Ceiling)_Ceiling plan
E02 Power system drawing ⼤林_E002_幹線動⼒設備_天伏図/Power system_Ceiling plan
E03 Outlet drawing ⼤林_E003_コンセント設備_天伏図/Outlet_Ceiling plan
E04 Lighting fixtures drawing ⼤林_E004_電灯設備_天伏図/Lighting fixtures_Ceiling plan
E05 Lighting control system drawing ⼤林_E005_照明制御設備_天伏図/Lighting control system_Ceiling plan
E06 Emergency Light and Emergency exit Light drawing ⼤林_E006_⾮常照明・誘導灯設備_天伏図/Emergency Light and Emergency Exit Light_Ceiling plan
E07 Low voltage system drawing ⼤林_E007_弱電設備_天伏図/Low voltage system_Ceiling plan
E08 Low voltage system drawing_2 ⼤林_E008_弱電設備-2_天伏図/Low voltage system-2_Ceiling plan
E09 Exterior drawing ⼤林_E009_外構_天伏図/Exterior_Ceiling plan
E10 Automatic control system drawing ⼤林_E010_中央監視設備_天伏図/Automatic control system_Ceiling plan
E11 AV system drawing ⼤林_E011_AV 設備_天伏図/AV system_Ceiling plan
E12 ITV system drawing ⼤林_E012_ITV 設備_天伏図/ITV system_Ceiling plan
E13 Emergency public address system drawing ⼤林_E013_⾮常放送設備_天伏図/Emergency public address system_Ceiling plan
E14 Fire Alarm system drawing ⼤林_E014_⾃動⽕災報知設備_天伏図/Fire Alarm system_Ceiling plan
E15 Parking control system drawing ⼤林_E015_⾞路管制設備_天伏図/Parking control system_Ceiling plan
E16 Lightning Protection system drawing ⼤林_E016_避雷設備_天伏図/Lightning Protection system_Ceiling plan
E17 Solar Power Generation system drawing ⼤林_E017_太陽光発電設備_天伏図/Solar Power Generation system_Ceiling plan
E18 Detail view ⼤林_E018_詳細_天伏図/Detail view_Ceiling plan

Cross Section

type name prefix Use distinction View template name
General ⼤林_E018_詳細_断⾯図/Detail view_Cross section


type name prefix Use distinction View template name
E16 Lightning Protection system drawing 大林_E016_避雷設備_立面図/Lightning Protection system_Elevation

3D View

3D views are classified into three types: Common, Mechanical, and Electrical. The views listed below are provided by default, but project-specific views can be added by updating the numeric prefix and the name of the view template.
type name prefix Use distinction View template name
Common ⼤林_C09_3D_機械・電気/Mechanical・Electrical
Mechanical ⼤林_C10_3D_機械/Mechanical
Electrical ⼤林_C11_3D_電気/Electrical


The list is omitted, but similarly to others, a prefix indicating the discipline is used, consisting of a letter (MEP Common: C, Electrical: E, HVAC(Mechanical): M, Plumbing: P, etc.) followed by a number.